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The Void Highway: A Time for Sacrifice


 On a desolate stretch of road, deep in the Alaskan wilderness, there was a place known only by those who dared to speak of it—the Void Highway. Locals whispered about strange occurrences: cars vanishing, drivers reappearing decades older, and some never coming back at all.

For Jamie Carter, the highway was nothing more than a legend—a bedtime story to scare children. But when Jamie’s younger brother, Ben, disappeared while driving through the wilderness, everything changed. Ben had always been a skeptic, too. He’d scoffed at the tales, laughing them off as nothing but folklore. But the police found his car abandoned on the Void Highway, engine still running, as if he had just stepped out. No trace of him.

Haunted by the disappearance, Jamie set out to uncover the truth. Armed with nothing but his old truck and a determination that burned as fiercely as the freezing winds, he drove to the last known location of his brother, determined to find answers.

The first few hours were uneventful, the road eerily quiet, only the soft hum of the engine filling the air. But as dusk began to settle, Jamie noticed something strange: the sky. It wasn’t just darkening with the onset of night; it seemed to bleed, shifting into unnatural shades of violet and crimson. The trees along the roadside bent unnaturally, as if they were straining to escape something unseen.

And then, he saw it—a light in his rearview mirror. But it wasn’t headlights; it was a pulsing, blinding white glow. It grew brighter, closer. His heart pounded as he pressed the gas pedal, but no matter how fast he drove, the light kept closing in. The truck began to shake violently, the road beneath him rippling as though it were alive.

Suddenly, the truck skidded to a stop. The light engulfed him, and Jamie found himself in a world completely different from the one he knew. The sky was a swirling canvas of unfamiliar colors, and the road stretched into the distance, leading to a massive, towering structure—an obsidian fortress that pulsed with a strange energy.

Standing at the entrance was a figure—tall, cloaked in shadows, with eyes that glowed like molten lava. “You seek answers,” it said, its voice echoing in Jamie’s mind. “But answers come with a price.”

Jamie’s breath hitched. “Where’s my brother? What happened to him?”

The figure extended a hand, revealing a small, old-fashioned pocket watch. It ticked slowly, every second sounding louder than the last. “Your brother sought the truth, and now he exists between moments. Time here is not as you know it.”

Jamie stared at the watch, his mind reeling. “What do you mean?”

“In this place,” the figure explained, “those who seek too deeply become trapped in the spaces between time. Your brother found the truth, but he will never leave unless you can offer something in exchange.”

Jamie’s thoughts raced. “What do you want?”

The figure’s molten eyes flickered. “Time. You can free him, but only if you offer years of your life in return. How much time are you willing to sacrifice for his freedom?”

Jamie hesitated. His entire life stretched before him—dreams, aspirations, moments yet to be lived. But the memory of his brother, lost and forgotten, weighed heavily on his heart.

“I’ll do it,” Jamie said, his voice steady. “Whatever it takes.”

The figure’s lips curled into a sinister smile. “So be it.”

Suddenly, Jamie felt a pull deep within him, as though his very essence was being drained. His vision blurred, and the world around him began to collapse. When he awoke, he was lying on the side of the Void Highway, his truck parked nearby.

He glanced at his hands—wrinkled, frail. His body, once young and strong, now felt the weight of years he had never lived. But there, beside him, was Ben—dazed but alive, his face exactly as it had been the day he vanished.

Jamie had saved him, but at the cost of decades of his own life.

As they stood together, the wind howling through the trees, Jamie realized the truth of the Void Highway: it was not just a place where people disappeared—it was a place where time itself could be traded, stolen, and lost.

And now, Jamie had become part of its dark legend.

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